BRASIL MARU by the Numbers
Market Analysis
Customer Relationships
Promising Outlook[14pages] (3,614KB) -
MOL Group Corporate Principles / Contents[1page] (92KB)
Financial Highlights[1page] (131KB)
To Our Shareholders[2pages] (141KB)
Interview With the President: MOL ADVANCE Challenge[9pages] (272KB)
Fostering Professional Seamanship[1page] (178KB)
MOL at a Glance[2pages] (387KB)
MOL in the Industry[2pages] (552KB)
Overview of Operations[10pages] (1,121KB)
MOL Global Services[2pages] (1,595KB)
Board of Directors, Corporate Auditors and Executive Officers[2pages] (310KB)
Corporate Governance
A Message from an Outside Corporate Auditor[3pages] (123KB) -
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)[3pages] (299KB)
Financial Section: Contents[1page] (36KB)
Management's Discussion and Analysis[5pages] (822KB)
Financial Statements[24pages] (850KB)
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Statements of Income
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Independent Auditors' Report) -
The MOL Group[2pages] (458KB)
Worldwide Offices[1page] (458KB)
Shareholder Information[1page] (1,458KB)

All Pages (4,901KB)