A Review of Our Management Plans, Rolling Plan 2021[Pages 16-21] (2,423KB)
Business Overview, Overview of Operations by Business Segment[Pages 22-31] (713KB)
Special Feature: Creating New Businesses Unbound by Existing Frameworks
-MOL Incubation Bridge-[Pages 32-33] (140KB) -
A Message from the CFO[Pages 34-35] (96KB)
A Message from the Chief Environmental and Sustainability Officer (CESO) [Pages 36-37] (112KB)
Overview of MOL’s Sustainability Issues (Materiality)[Pages 38-55] (811KB)
Corporate Governance[Pages 56-69] (1,709KB)
(A Message from the Chairman, the Chairs of the advisory Committees[Pages 56-61]) (1,290KB)
Risk Management[Pages 70-73] (51KB)
Compliance, Social Responsibility[Pages 74-75] (56KB)
Data Section[Pages 76-81] (474KB)