- Annual Report 2009: Contents[2pages] (141KB)
- Financial Highlights[2pages] (41KB)
- To Our Shareholders[2pages] (595KB)
- Interview With the President[10pages] (805KB)
- Operational Safety[1page] (98KB)
- Seafarer Training[1page] (129KB)
- MOL at a Glance[2pages] (466KB)
- MOL in the Industry[2pages] (212KB)
- Overview of Operations[16pages] (2,913KB)
- MOL Global Services[2pages] (565KB)
- Board of Directors, Corporate Auditors and Executive Officers[2pages] (1,292KB)
- Corporate Governance / A Message from an External Director[3pages] (145KB)
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)[3pages] (411KB)
- Financial Section: Contents[1page] (50KB)
- Management's Discussion and Analysis[5pages] (163KB)
- 10-year Summary[2pages] (28KB)
- Financial Statements[26pages] (282KB)
- The MOL Group[2pages] (50KB)
- Worldwide Offices[1page] (43KB)
- Shareholder Information[1page] (48KB)
- All Pages (2,645KB)